Are you using to-do lists throughout your day? If not, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful productivity tools. It doesn’t matter if you use the old-fashioned notebook and pen, or a to-do list app on your phone. There are three reasons why they work so well to keep you productive all day…
Personal Growth
Understanding Mindfulness
You see the word mindfulness used so often nowadays, but do you know what it means? It’s helpful to think about what it doesn’t mean. Mindfulness is not: But it is easy. Living a mindful life shouldn’t feel burdensome or like yet another task to add to your list. Put most simply, we can say…
How to Start Journaling for Self-Growth
Journaling has so many benefits. Not only is it relaxing and fun to do, but it can also help you discover yourself and things you want to achieve in life. Journal with a Goal and Commit The first step to your journaling journey is to make a goal each day and commit to it. Focusing…
Creating the Life You Want with Journaling
Journaling helps you tap into your deeper thoughts, emotions, and desires. It helps you gain a better understanding of what you want out of life. Even if you are mostly content with your life, journaling can still help. It lets you focus on specific areas you’d like to change for the better. You have a…